Happy Republic Day in Marathi, Wishes, Quotes, and Messages

Republic Day is a major event in India, marked by enthusiasm and patriotism. It celebrates the day the Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, making India a republic. While the celebrations are national, each region has its unique flair. For Marathi speakers, this day is especially meaningful. Let’s explore Republic Day in Marathi, including the date, wishes, quotes, and messages to share the joy of this special occasion.

Republic Day:

Republic Day is celebrated every year on January 26th. This date marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution. In 1930, the Indian National Congress declared Purna Swaraj, or Complete Independence, from British rule on this day.

The first Republic Day took place on January 26, 1950. It signified India’s transition from a British Dominion to a sovereign republic.

Republic Day Wishes in Marathi:

Sending Republic Day wishes in Marathi is a great way to show respect for the country’s heritage and culture. Here are some heartfelt Republic Day wishes in Marathi that can be shared with friends and family.

  1. “सर्वांना गणराज्य दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा! जय हिंद!” (Sarvanna Ganarajya Dinachya Haardik Shubhichha! Jai Hind!) Translation: Heartfelt wishes on Republic Day to all! Jai Hind!

  2. “आपल्या देशाच्या शौर्य आणि सामर्थ्याचा दिवस! गणराज्य दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Aplya Deshacha Shaurya Ani Samarthachya Divas! Ganarajya Dinachya Shubhichha!) Translation: A day to celebrate the valor and strength of our country! Happy Republic Day!

  3. “तुम्हाला आणि तुमच्या कुटुंबाला गणराज्य दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Tumhala Ani Tumchya Kutumbala Ganarajya Dinachya Shubhichha!) Translation: Wishing you and your family a Happy Republic Day!

  4. “आपल्या भारत देशाचे संविधान असो सर्वत्र जयजयकार!” (Aplya Bharat Deshache Samvidhan Aso Sarvatra Jayjaykar!) Translation: Let the Constitution of our India echo everywhere with victory!

  5. “गणराज्य दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा! आपला देश अधिक समृद्ध होवो.” (Ganarajya Dinachya Shubhichha! Apla Desh Adhik Samruddh Hovo.) Translation: Happy Republic Day! May our country grow even more prosperous.

Republic Day Quotes in Marathi:

Republic Day invites reflection and tribute to the leaders who fought for India’s independence. Sharing quotes today can inspire many. They remind us of the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters. Here are some memorable Republic Day quotes in Marathi:

  1. “स्वतंत्रता हे आपले हक्क आहे, आणि ते मिळवणे हे आपले कर्तव्य आहे.” – डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर (Svatantrata He Aple Hakk Ahe, Ani Te Milvane He Aple Kartavya Ahe. – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar) Translation: Freedom is our right, and it is our duty to attain it.

  2. “आपल्या देशाचे संविधान हे आपल्या स्वातंत्र्याची गती आहे.” – पं. नेहरू (Aplya Deshache Samvidhan He Aplya Svatantryachi Gati Ahe. – Pandit Nehru) Translation: The Constitution of our country is the driving force of our freedom.

  3. “देशाच्या उन्नतीसाठी प्रत्येक नागरिकांनी आपली भूमिका निभावली पाहिजे.” (Deshacha Unnatisathi Pratyek Nagarikanni Aapli Bhumika Nibhavali Pahije.) Translation: Every citizen should play their part in the progress of the nation.

  4. “भारत देशातूनच नवा इतिहास तयार होईल.” (Bharat Deshatunach Nava Itihas Tayar Hoil.) Translation: A new history will be made through India.

  5. “भारताच्या संविधानात प्रत्येक नागरिकाचा हक्क आदरला गेला आहे.” (Bharatyachya Samvidhanat Pratyek Nagarikacha Hakk Adarla Gela Ahe.) Translation: The rights of every citizen are respected in India’s Constitution.

Republic Day Messages in Marathi:

Messages are a great way to send love and patriotism to others on Republic Day. Here are some beautiful Republic Day messages in Marathi:

  1. “गणराज्य दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा! आपल्या देशाच्या संविधानाने आपल्याला समानतेचा अधिकार दिला आहे.” (Ganarajya Dinachya Shubhichha! Aplya Deshache Samvidhanane Aplyala Samanatecha Adhikar Dila Ahe.) Translation: Happy Republic Day! The Constitution of our country has given us the right to equality.

  2. “आत्मनिर्भर भारत आणि एक मजबूत राष्ट्र ह्याची शपथ घेऊ या! गणराज्य दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!” (Atmanirbhar Bharat Ani Ek Majboot Rashtra Hyaachi Shapath Gheoo Ya! Ganarajya Dinachya Haardik Shubhichha!) Translation: Let’s take an oath to make India self-reliant and a strong nation! Happy Republic Day!

  3. “आजचा दिवस आपल्या देशाच्या गौरवाचा आहे. सर्वांना गणराज्य दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा!” (Aajcha Divas Aplya Deshacha Gauravacha Ahe. Sarvanna Ganarajya Dinachya Shubhichha!) Translation: Today is the day of glory for our country. Wishing everyone a Happy Republic Day!

  4. “गणराज्य दिन आपल्याला प्रगती, समृद्धी आणि एकतेचा संदेश देतो.” (Ganarajya Din Aplyala Pragati, Samruddhi Ani Ektacha Sandesh Deto.) Translation: Republic Day gives us a message of progress, prosperity, and unity.

  5. “आपल्या देशाच्या संविधानात असलेल्या सर्व अधिकारांचा आदर करा आणि देशाच्या प्रगतीत भाग घ्या!” (Aplya Deshache Samvidhanat Aslelya Sarv Adhikarancha Adar Kara Ani Deshache Pragatit Bhag Ghya!) Translation: Respect all the rights enshrined in our Constitution and take part in the progress of the country!

Republic Day Celebrations in Maharashtra:

Republic Day in Maharashtra features grand parades, flag hoisting, and cultural performances. People from all walks of life join these events, honoring national heroes. A prominent figure often serves as the chief guest. Celebrations include singing patriotic songs, raising the national flag, and distributing sweets.

Schools and colleges also hold functions. Students perform patriotic dances, sing national songs, and recite poems. Some add a regional flavor with Marathi folk dances like Lavani and Dholki. These performances reflect the spirit of the celebration.


Republic Day celebrates India’s rich heritage, the sacrifices of freedom fighters, and the unity of the nation. In Marathi, sending wishes and quotes fosters patriotism and community. This Republic Day, let’s commit to justice, equality, and fraternity as outlined in the Constitution. By spreading love for our nation through words and actions, we honor the land we all call home.

Happy Republic Day! Jai Hind!

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